亚洲各国国名也有种种不同的由来。现根据其命名的不同依据分别介绍如后: 一、因太阳而得名 “日出于东方”、“早晨的太阳光芒万丈”。亚洲有的国家因太阳而得名。 日本(JaPan)公元前42年,神武天皇将其建国的地方叫作“大和”(yamato意为“多山地方”)。古代九州的肥河流域,日语写作hinokuni,日语中的“肥”与“日”字同音,都读作hi,因此肥河之地演变为日之国(Hinokuni)。公元六四五年孝德天皇才正式定名为日本国(Hinomot),是取日之国(Hinokui)的Hi与大和(yamato)的amto组合并演变成的,意思是“日出处之国”。日本英文名JaPan由来
There are also different origins in the names of Asian countries. Now according to their different nomenclature introduced respectively as follows: First, due to the sun named “Sunrise in the East”, “the sun’s rays of the morning.” Some countries in Asia are named after the sun. Japan (JaPan) In 42 BC, the emperor called the founding of the country “Yamato” (yamato means “mountainous place”). The ancient fatal river basin in Kyushu, the hinokuni in Japanese, the homonyms “fat” and “day” in Japanese are both pronounced as hi, and the land of the fertile river has become Hinokuni. The Emperor Xiaodoku was officially named Hinomot in 1945 and evolved into a combination of Hi and Yamato amto in Hinokui, meaning “the country of sunrise.” Japanese English name JaPan origin