牛春颖是中央民族大学中文系新闻专业97级学生,自2000年12月开始在《中华新闻报》实习,发表了《阻碍记者正常采访就是阻碍人民监督》、《不能让记者流血又流泪》等一系列关于记者维权的文章,引起较大反响。记者:对一个实习生来说,第一次采访往往是最艰难、最难忘的。你能不能谈谈第一次外出采访的情况? 牛春颖:我的第一次采访是采访《工人日报》的主编盛明富。可以说.这次采访是对我知识、阅历和能力的一次综合性考验。接了报社安排的任务后,我心里有点忐忑,对方可是一位老记者。我稍加准备便赶往工人日报社,然而在接待室,我遭到了门卫的阻拦,因为我不能出示采访证或记者证。我急中生智,拨通了盛主编的电话,在他的特许下,我才进入了该报的办公楼。
Niu Chunying is a 97-year journalism major in the Department of Chinese Language and Literature of the Central University for Nationalities. Since December 2000, he started his internship at China News Media and published a series of articles such as “hindering the normal interview with reporters from hindering people’s supervision” and “letting reporters shed blood and tears” Series of articles on the rights of journalists, aroused greater repercussions. Reporter: For an intern, the first interview is often the toughest and the most unforgettable. Can you talk about the first interview? Niu Chunying: My first interview was an interview with Sheng Mingfu, editor of the Workers’ Daily. It can be said that this interview is a comprehensive test of my knowledge, experience and ability. After receiving the newspaper arranged the task, my heart a bit shy, but the other an old reporter. When I got ready, I went to the Workers’ Daily, however in the reception room I was blocked by the guard because I could not produce an interview card or press card. I was in a hurry, called Sheng main editor of the phone, under his charter, I entered the newspaper’s office building.