金庸对电影不那么恭敬,碰上有从小说改编而来的这种东西的时候,就趁机发意见。《相思曲》是从美国作家詹姆士·凯恩(James Cain)同名小说改编的,金庸为了维护文学作品的好处,不惜强调说不觉得两者之间存在什么关系。要说它们之间有什么关系,那也是电影以一种俗套的方式“摧毁”了一部关于一个歌唱家、关于一个善良少女、关于一桩纯洁爱情的文学作品。金庸抄了小说作者的一段话,以示自己也认同这样的对好莱坞电影及其从事者的看法:
Jin Yong on the film is not so respectful, run into the novel from the adaptation of such things, they took the opportunity to send opinions. Acacia was adapted from American author James Cain’s novel of the same name, and Jin Yong did not hesitate to emphasize that there was a relationship between the two in order to preserve the virtues of literature. To say what is the relationship between them, the movie also “destroyed” a literary work about a singer, a good girl, and a pure love in a stereotyped way. Jin Yong copied the novel’s author’s passage to show himself as agreeing with Hollywood movies and their viewers: