在目前拍照手机和音乐手机大行其道的今天,国产手机巨头之一的夏新推出一款以DV 拍摄为主打的时尚手机A660, 作为国产第一款DV手机,让我们看看它到底有何过人之处。A660有流光银和数码灰两种配色,整体风格上来看跟普通的直板机没什么两样,方方正正有棱有角的设计让A660 给人的感觉上很硬朗。在屏幕、键盘和机身左侧的周围,采用了仿金属拉丝的工艺,跟其他光滑的部分区分开来,避免了视觉上的单一。其实A660并非只有中规中矩的外型,在机身左侧有一个小的凹槽,我们只
In the current camera phones and music phones popular today, Amoi, one of China’s largest mobile phone maker to launch a stylish DV-based mobile phone A660, as the first domestic DV mobile phone, let us see what it extraordinary in the end Where. A660 There are liuaguang silver and digital gray two colors, the overall style is no different from ordinary candy bar machine, square and angular design gives A660 gives the feeling of very tough. Around the screen, the keyboard and the left side of the fuselage, Imitated metal wire drawing process, with the other smooth part of the distinction, to avoid the visual unity. In fact, A660 is not just a formal appearance, the left side of the fuselage has a small groove, we only