Testing coral paleothermometers(B/Ca, Mg/Ca, Sr/Ca, U/Ca and δ~(18)O) under impacts of large riverin

来源 :Acta Oceanologica Sinica | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:m104129495
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Sea surface temperature(SST) proxies including B/Ca, Mg/Ca, Sr/Ca, U/Ca and δ18O were analyzed in the skeleton of a Porites coral collected from the Zhujiang River(Pearl River) Estuary(ZRE). These geochemical proxies are influenced by river runoff and this area of the northern South China Sea is strongly affected by seasonal freshwater floods. We assessed the robustness of each SST proxy through comparison with the local instrumental SST. Coral Sr/Ca shows the highest correlation with SST variations(r2=0.59), suggesting Sr/Ca is the most robust SST proxy. In contrast, coral δ18O(r2=0.46), B/Ca(r2=0.43) and U/Ca(r2=0.41) ratios were only moderately correlated with SST variations, suggesting that they are disturbed by some other factors in addition to SST. The poor correlation(r2=0.27) between SST and Mg/Ca indicates that Mg/Ca in coral skeletons is not a simple function of SST variations. This may ultimately limit the use of Mg/Ca as a coral paleothermometer. Sea surface temperature (SST) proxies including B / Ca, Mg / Ca, Sr / Ca, U / Ca and δ18O were analyzed in the skeleton of a Porites coral collected from the Zhujiang River (Pearl River) Estuary proxies are influenced by river runoff and this area of ​​the northern South China Sea is strongly affected by seasonal freshwater floods. We assessed the robustness of each SST proxy through comparison with the local instrumental SST. Coral Sr / Ca shows the highest correlation with SST variations (r2 = 0.46), B / Ca (r2 = 0.43) and U / Ca (r2 = 0.41), respectively were only moderately correlated with SST variations, suggesting that they are disturbed by some other factors in addition to SST. The poor correlation (r2 = 0.27) between SST and Mg / Ca indicates that Mg / Ca in coral skeletons is not a simple function of SST variations. may ultimately limit the use of Mg / Ca as a coral paleothermometer.
肝纤维化是指肝细胞发生坏死及炎症刺激时 ,肝脏中胶原蛋白等细胞外基质 (ECM)的增生与降解失去平衡 ,进而导致肝脏内纤维结缔组织异常沉积的病理过程 ,轻者称为纤维化 ,重者
对于一个偶尔路过的旁观者来说,贾斯汀就像一个拾荒者,因为他常常要花大量的时间在纽约街头的垃圾箱里翻来翻去,然后将一些旁人丢弃的各种各样的废物装在一个大袋里背走。  然而,贾斯汀并不是什么靠捡破烂为生的拾荒者,而是一名高级白领。不久前,他听了一个关于设计的讲座。演讲者提出了一个观点:“只要你善于包装,你就能卖任何东西。”这个观点如电光火石一般,让贾斯汀茅塞顿开:即使这东西是垃圾,只要我将它包装好,不