《隆中对》节选自《三国志·蜀志·诸葛亮传》,文中称诸葛亮为“卧龙”。学生问,诸葛亮不是君主,也可称龙? 史载:宋神宗对前来诬陷苏轼的王珪说:“龙者非独人君,人臣也可以言龙也。”宋神宗并举“荀氏八龙”为例。东汉荀淑有八个儿子(荀俭、荀绲、荀靖、荀焘、荀汪、荀爽、荀肃、荀敷),都有好名声,当时人称“八龙”。(见《世说新语·德行》)。《世说新语·品藻》载:“三国时诸葛瑾、诸葛亮和他们的堂弟诸葛诞,并有盛名。
”Longzhong Dui“ is an excerpt from ”The Story of the Three Kingdoms, Zhi Zhi Zhuge Liang“, and Zhuge Liang is called ”Wo Long.“ The student asked, Zhuge Liang is not a monarch, can also be called a dragon? History contained: Song Shenzong said to the king who came to frame Su Shi, said: ”The dragon is not the only person, and the minister can also say the dragon.“ ”Song Shenzong concurrently“ For example, the eight dragons’ dragons. There are eight sons in the Eastern Han Dynasty (荀俭, 荀绲, 荀, 荀焘, 荀, 荀, 荀, and 荀). They all have good fame. At that time, they were called ”Balong“. (See ”Shi Shuo Xin Yu De Xing“). ”Shi Shuo Xin Yu Pin Nao“ contains: ”Three Kingdoms Zhuge Lan, Zhuge Liang and their cousin Zhuge birthday, and have a good reputation.