
来源 :中国民族博览 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wanxlm
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历史文化遗产具有多种功能和价值,功能和价值之间既有联系又有区别,它们不是一一对应的,既能相辅相承又存在着一定的矛盾。历史文化遗产的价值大小取决于其功能的大小,而且价值的大小又随着人们对遗产功能认识程度的改变而改变,既不能过分地强调遗产的功能也不能片面地注重遗产的价值,只有正确地认识到遗产功能和价值之间的联系和区别,才能充分发挥遗产给人类历史文化带来的重大意义。 Historical and cultural heritage has many kinds of functions and values. There are both connections and differences between functions and values. They do not correspond one by one. They can not only complement each other but also have some contradictions. The value of historical and cultural heritage depends on the size of its function, and the size of value changes with people’s understanding of the function of the inheritance. It neither emphasizes the function of the heritage nor the value of the heritage unilaterally, but only correctly In recognition of the connection and difference between the function and the value of the heritage, can we give full play to the great significance that the heritage brings to the human history and culture.