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就是一个小小的容器,被弃置在茶余饭后的小角落,在很多时尚的话题之外闪烁其词。这谁也倒腾不出诗意的名词,自觉走开。如被悄悄藏起的真实,躲在冠冕堂皇的背后,敲击它,铜钱般脆响,叫人警醒,却不敢联想易碎的梦被硌人的现实弄疼。谁都知道,死都不能丢手的,就是那一只小小的碗。乡村,就靠一只粗瓷大碗的喂养,才存活下瘦小的炊烟,在更迭的游子梦里丰满了村庄的容颜,丰盈成关于一个个家园厚实的历史, Is a small container, abandoned in a little corner of gossip, in a lot of fashion topics flashing. This is who no one can not poetic term, consciously walked away. Hidden behind the sounding realities, such as being hidden quietly, striking it, the coins are ringing and awake, they are afraid to think of the friable dreams that have been hurt by the reality of a man. Everyone knows that death can not be discarded, that is a small bowl. In the village, relying on the feeding of a coarse porcelain bowl, it survived the small smoke, filled the face of the village in the ever-changing wandering dream, and became rich about the thick history of one homeland.
近年来,文化部作为国家民委委 员单位,按照党中央和国务院的部署, 配合国家民委主要做了以下工作: 一、加大对民族地区文化 建设的支持力度 1992年,在原国家计委和财政 部的
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你有没有这样的感慨,或者听别人发过这样的牢骚:“每天都重复着相同的事情,好像自己在原地踏步。”“又过了一年,年轮又长了一圈。自己的人生怎么好像在原地打转?”   我们在数着日子,一天天过去,好像没什么变化。我们把人生以天、周、年计算。这样看来,自己的一生好像就是在画圆圈,重复一圈又一圈的过程。  曾经看着钟表,看得伤感起来:三个指针永不停歇地转动。但是,它们永远不会知道,自己只是在原地打转,它们永
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