有人说,石黑一雄推出新作,这本身就是文学事件。继二○○五年出版了长篇小说《别让我走》之后,时隔十年,石黑一雄终于在二○一五年三月,出版了他最新的长篇小说《被埋葬的巨人》。十年磨一剑,这部新作的出版可以说是一次重大的文学事件。小说延续了石黑一雄向来内敛的文风、质朴的笔触和感人肺腑的情感力量,探讨了有关记忆、爱与死亡的深刻主题,是一部非常精彩的杰作。石黑一雄(Kazuo Ishiguro)
Some people say that Ishiguro is launching new work, which in itself is a literary event. Following a decade of publication of the novel Do not Let Me Walk in 2005, Ishimatsu Ishiya finally published his latest novel Buried Giant in March 2015. After ten years of grinding, the publication of this new work can be said to be a major literary event. The novel inherits the introverted style, the simple strokes and the touching emotional power of Ishiguro, explores the profound theme of memory, love and death, which is a very wonderful masterpiece. Kazuo Ishiguro