作为全球最具标志性的音乐艺术家,凯莉·米洛(Kylie Minogue)凭借过人的实力与人气横扫娱乐圈二十余载。据英国《每日邮报》报道,在近日曝光的凯莉·米洛2014年度专属个人日历上,她不断地尝试从懒散内衣到大气晚礼服的各种服装造型,风姿各异。这些图片一如出道时的性感风韵,无一不紧紧地抓住了大众的眼球。在这本凯莉·米洛专属个人日历的封面上,凯莉身穿白色针织比基尼底裤,搭配白色T-shirt,光脚站在鹅卵石海滩上,性感地做着《I Should Be So Lucky》歌曲封面的姿势。在一月份图片上,这位时尚界的流行公主,以蓬松的高髻与缀有粉色羽毛巾条的粗厚金色
As the world’s most iconic music artist, Kylie Minogue has swept the entertainment industry for more than 20 years with exceptional strength and popularity. According to the British “Daily Mail” reported that in the recent exposure of Kelly Millau 2014 personal calendar, she constantly trying to lazy underwear atmosphere to the atmosphere of the dress of various styles, different styles. As the debut of these pictures of the sexy charm, both tightly grasp the public eye. On the cover of Kelly Milo’s exclusive personal calendar, Kelly wears a white knit bikini underpants with a white T-shirt, bare feet standing on a pebble beach, sexy “I Should Be So Lucky” Song cover pose. In January the picture, the fashion world of the popular princess, fluffy bun and decorated with pink feather towel thick golden