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2016年以来,全球政治和经济格局的“黑天鹅事件”层出不穷,极大地影响着国家间、国家和地区间的地缘政治经济战略的转向,以及双边、多边地缘政治经济关系的分化与组合,世界正进一步迈入新的地缘政治经济格局大变动时代。复杂的国际地缘政治经济格局需要我们拓展地缘政治经济学的研究范围,不断进行理论提升,为当代中国马克思主义政治经济学的创新发展贡献出中国智慧。在当前全球经济发展进入“新常态”的情况下,在大国博弈处于关键阶段,深入探讨新形势下 Since 2016, the “Black Swan Incident” in the global political and economic landscape has emerged in an endless stream, which has greatly affected the shift of geopolitical and economic strategies among nations, countries and regions as well as the differentiation and combination of bilateral and multilateral geopolitical and economic relations The world is moving even further into a period of great change in the new geopolitical economy. The complicated international geopolitical economy requires us to expand the scope of the study of geopolitics and to constantly improve the theory so as to contribute Chinese wisdom to the innovation and development of contemporary Chinese Marxist political economy. Under the circumstances that the current global economic development has entered a “new normal”, when the game of the big powers is at a crucial stage and the situation under the new situation is discussed in depth
远端叠加现象(adding-on,AO)指脊柱畸形矫形术后固定远端发生的主弯延长,椎体累及数目叠加的现象[1].包括:(1)远端融合椎(lowest instrumented vertebra,LIV)下位椎间盘成角
每年这个时候,正是各色水果纷纷上市之时,在琳琅满目、新鲜水嫩的各种水果中,不乏一些长相古怪、凹凸不平的畸形水果。人们挑选水果时当然是选外皮光滑新鲜的,那些外表看起来丑陋的水果,最终会被挑剩下来。  在中国民间,有种说法认为,歪瓜裂枣更好吃;而另一种说法恰恰相反,说是这些畸形水果就是得了植物癌症,吃不得。到底哪种说法正确呢?这些说法是否真有科学道理?     什么原因让这些水果长得丑陋    导致植