目的分析大学生结核病发现及治疗管理情况,评价大学生人群中传染病防治效果。方法 2005年至2009年连续5年对入校新生进行结核病普查和在校大四学生线索调查。结果 5年来共发现各类型肺结核患者26例,其中活动性肺结核18例,结核性胸膜炎3例,陈旧性肺结核5例。在18例活动性肺结核患者中,痰涂片阳性患者4例,培养阳性2例。结论通过普查和线索调查及早的在学校人群中发现传染源并进行治疗管理,有效减少在学生人群中传播,保证了大多数学生的健康。
Objective To analyze college students’ TB management and treatment and evaluate the prevention and control of infectious diseases among college students. Methods From 2005 to 2009, for five consecutive years, new students were enrolled in the tuberculosis screening and senior secondary school students clues. Results A total of 26 cases of various types of pulmonary tuberculosis were found in 5 years, including 18 cases of active tuberculosis, 3 cases of tuberculous pleurisy and 5 cases of old tuberculosis. In 18 cases of active tuberculosis patients, sputum smear positive 4 patients, culture positive in 2 cases. Conclusion Through census and clues investigation, early detection of infection sources and treatment management in school population can effectively reduce the spread among students and ensure the health of most students.