目的 对21例唇腭裂患者接受LeFortⅠ型手术后使用加固板维持上颌横向的稳定进行探讨。方法 21例中单侧唇腭裂14例,双侧唇腭裂7例,LeFortⅠ型手术及制作加固板时采取过矫正设计。取术前石膏研究模型,模型外科拼对后的石膏模型和最后一次随访所取的模型。平均随访14个月。分别测量每个模型两侧尖牙和第一磨牙近中腭面外形高点连线距离。结果 加固板使用在单侧唇腭裂较双侧唇腭裂明显限制术后横向复发。结论 加固板的运用可提高唇腭裂患者LeFortⅠ型手术后上颌骨横向的稳定性。复发的原因是唇腭裂整复手术留下的疤痕组织和颊肌运动造成的压力以及颌骨周围的肌肉张力的改变。“,”Objective To evaluate transverse plane stabil ity of 2 1 patientswith cleft lip and palate using reinforced splint after LeFortⅠsurge ry. Method There were 14 patients with unilateral cle ft lip and palate and 7 patients with bilateral clefts. The average follow-up w as 14 monthes. The changes in the transverse plane were evaluated from caste mod el preoperatively, the model surgery cast and casts model at the latest follow u p. The differences in the cuspid and the first molar distances of the casts were measured to determine the surgical change and the relapse. Results A significant difference was found between unilateral cleft lip and palate gro up and bilateral clefts group. Conclusion Reinforced splint is mand atory to ensure transverse stability. Relapse is caused by scarred palatal tissu e which were made from primary procedures of closure of cleft lip, palate and al veolar defects, pressures from movement of buccinator muscle and changes of musc ular tension around maxilla.