Increased expression of cyclooxygenase-2 in first-degree relatives of gastric cancer patients

来源 :World Journal of Gastroenterology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:foxbill_csdn
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AIM: To study the expression of cydooxygenase-2 (COX-2) in human gastric cancer tissues and their paired adjacent mucosa, as well as mucosa from gastric antrum and corpus of the first-degree relatives of the recruited cancer patients. METHODS: The expression of COX-2 mRNA in 38 patients with gastric cancer and their 29 first-degree relatives and 18 healthy controls was assessed by the real time RT-PCR. The expression of COX-2 protein was determined by Western blot. RESULTS: A marked increase in COX-2 mRNA expression was found in 20 of 37 (54%) cancerous tissues compared to their respective paired normal mucosa (P<0.001). Interestingly, increased COX-2 mRNA expression was also found in mucosa of the corpus (6/29) and antrum (13/29) of their first-degree relatives. Increased COX-2 mRNA expression was more frequently observed in the antrum biopsies from cancer patients than in the antrum biopsies from healthy controls (P<0.05). In addition, 3 of 23 (13%) patients with atrophic mucosa and 6 of 35 (17%) patients with intestinal metaplasia showed increased COX-2 mRNA expression. Furthermore, COX-2 expression increased in H pylori-positive tissues, especially in antrum mucosa. CONCLUSION: Increased COX-2 expression is involved in gastric carcinogenesis, and may be necessary for maintenance of the malignant phenotype and contribute to Helicobacter pylori-associated malignant transformation. AIM: To study the expression of cydooxygenase-2 (COX-2) in human gastric cancer tissues and their paired adjacent mucosa, as well as mucosa from gastric antrum and corpus of the first-degree relatives of the recruited cancer patients. METHODS: The expression of COX-2 mRNA in 38 patients with gastric cancer and their 29 first-degree relatives and 18 healthy controls was assessed by the real time RT-PCR. The expression of COX-2 protein was determined by Western blot. RESULTS: A marked increase in COX-2 mRNA expression was found in 20 of 37 (54%) cancerous tissues compared to their respective paired normal mucosa (P <0.001). Interestingly, increased COX-2 mRNA expression was also found in mucosa of the corpus / 29) and antrum (13/29) of their first-degree relatives. Increased COX-2 mRNA expression was more frequently observed in the antrum biopsies from cancer patients than in the antrum biopsies from healthy controls (P <0.05). , 3 of 23 (13%) patients with atrophic mucosa and CONCLUSION: Increased COX-2 expression is involved in gastric carcinogenesis. 6 of 35 (17%) patients with intestinal metaplasia showed increased COX-2 mRNA expression. Furthermore, COX-2 expression increased in H pylori-positive tissues, especially in antrum mucosa. , and may be necessary for maintenance of the malignant phenotype and contribute to Helicobacter pylori-associated malignant transformation.
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