The patient was 7 years old and was admitted to hospital on April 3, 1988 for 8 hours on the left side of the scrotum. No obvious incentive for patients with left lower quadrant pain, paroxysmal increase, no fever, diarrhea and nausea and vomiting. Pediatrics press “intestine spasm ” to give oral administration of 10ml oral AstraZeneca, no improvement in symptoms. 2 hours after the pain was transferred to the left scrotum and gradually increased, unbearable, then transferred to our department. 2 years ago had a right inguinal hernia repair, no postoperative discomfort. Check: body temperature 38.4 ℃, facial expression pain, abdominal soft, no tenderness and rebound tenderness, bowel sounds normal. Left scrotum swelling, skin temperature slightly higher, tenderness, testicular slightly raised, epididymal palpation is not satisfied,