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观照对于实现真正的旅游审美至关重要。旅游审美过程中的时空观照也即旅游审美观照中的时空不再是物理的时空,而是文化的时空,是无限延展的时空。旅游审美观照总是以现实时空为基础,以主体心灵感悟无限时空,并超越现实的藩篱,使精神在现实与想象中自由往来,而又在无限中与宇宙融为一体。无限与有限总是循环往复的,旅游审美过程中对无限时空的观照其实就是对生命的观照,生命的体验和自由的感悟成为无限延展的时空观照的最高境界和最终归宿,旅游审美主体也在气运流通的生命观照中与整个宇宙自然融为一体。 Viewing for the real aesthetic tourism is essential. Time and space in the process of aesthetic tourism tour that is the aesthetic view of tourism travel time and space is no longer the physical space-time, but the culture of time and space, is infinitely extended space-time. The aesthetic conception of tourism is always based on the realistic space-time. With the soul of the main body, it comprehends the limitless time and space and transcends the barriers of reality so that the spirit can freely move between the reality and the imagination, and merge with the universe infinitely. Infinite and limited is always the cycle of travel, tourism aesthetic process of the infinite space-time view is actually the view of life, the experience of life and freedom of perception as the ultimate extension of space-time view of the highest realm and ultimate destination, the main tourist aesthetic In the contemplation of the life of the air transportation, it is naturally integrated with the entire universe.