中国终究未能在这场席卷半个亚洲的禽流感中置之度外。猴年伊始,鸡瘟就起,2004年1月27日我国广西、湖北和湖南发生了高致病性禽流感疫情,疫区大量的鸡鸭被强制扑杀,颇有一番“杀鸡给猴看”的苦涩味道。随后安徽、广东、云南三省又相继出现高致病性禽流感,浙江、河南、新疆、甘肃、陕西等省区发现疑似高致病性禽流感,一时风声鹤唳,闻鸡起“武”。 经过“非典”疫情的严峻考验.国内一套行之有效的疫情防控体系悄然形成。一旦疫情警报拉响.对疫点周围3公里范围内所有的家禽进行扑杀.5公里范围内的家禽进行强制免疫,并且层层设防,严防发生禽流感地区可能被流感病毒感染的鸡和鸡蛋上市销售。尽管如此,也不能阻止家禽市场寒冬的到来.不仅疫区的鸡肉无人问津.鸡蛋价格直线下降,而且整个国家禽肉出口基本陷于停顿。
After all, China has failed to set itself aside from the bird flu that has swept over half of Asia. At the beginning of the year of the monkey, the chicken plague began. On January 27, 2004, an outbreak of HPAI was reported in Guangxi, Hubei and Hunan in our country. A large number of chickens and ducks in the affected area were forcibly curtailed, quite a few Bitter taste. Subsequently, three pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) were successively emerged in Anhui, Guangdong and Yunnan provinces. Suspected HPAI was found in Zhejiang, Henan, Xinjiang, Gansu and Shaanxi provinces and other provinces. After a severe test of the SARS outbreak, a well-established epidemic prevention and control system was quietly formed in the country. In the event of an outbreak alarm, all poultry within 3 km of the epidemic area will be curtailed, poultry within 5 km will be immunized and guarded layers of protection against the possible infection of chickens and eggs by influenza virus in areas where bird flu occur IPO. In spite of this, we can not stop the cold winter in the poultry market, not only the chicken in the affected areas but also the drop in the price of eggs, and the poultry exports to the entire country have basically come to a standstill.