闪光二极管只要一接通电源,就能闪闪发光,所以又叫作闪烁发光二极管,常用于闪光胸花及电子玩具中,其闪烁频率与所加电源电压有关,一般为数Hz。它之所以能闪光,是由于在发光二极管内部设置着驱动闪光集成电路,其电路图形符号如图1(a)所示。闪光二极管所加的电压为3~6 V,所以测量时将万用表的量程开关拨至R×1Ω档时,需串接两只电压为1.5 V的电池,才能看到闪光二极管闪闪发光。检测方法如图1(b)所示。
As long as the flash diode connected to the power, it can glitter, it is also called flashing light-emitting diode, commonly used in flash corsage and electronic toys, the flashing frequency and the applied power supply voltage, usually a few Hz. The reason why it can flash, is due to the internal light-emitting diodes set to drive the flash integrated circuits, the circuit diagram symbols shown in Figure 1 (a) below. The voltage applied to the flash diode is 3 to 6 V, so when measuring, turn the multimeter’s range switch to R × 1Ω and connect two batteries of 1.5 V in series to see the flash diode glittering. Detection method shown in Figure 1 (b) below.