V. M. 希利尔(1875—1931),美国著名儿童教育家、科普作家,创建了卡尔弗特教育体系。他为孩子们编写了一套趣味盎然的历史、地理、艺术读物,即《写给孩子看的世界历史》《写给孩子看的世界地理》《写给孩子看的艺术史》。本文选自《写给孩子看的艺术史》。
All anyone knows about the life of one of the very great painters of the world can be written in a few sentences. Most great painters have had whole books written about their lives, but there isn’t enough really known about the life of the Dutchman Jan Vermeer (Ver-mair’) of Delft to make even a few pages. Here is almost all we know about him:
Jan Vermeer was born in Delft in 1632 and died there in 1675, leaving a widow and eight children.
There it is in one sentence—the life of Vermeer of Delft. Nobody even knows how many pictures there are that he painted, for some pictures we think he painted may have been painted by someone else.
But the pictures that we are sure were painted by him are considered very wonderful. Most of these are of indoor scenes. Most of these paintings show a woman doing some very usual thing, like reading a letter or sewing or playing the clavichord or sometimes just looking out of the window. Perhaps his wife or one of his daughters posed for Vermeer’s pictures. In some pictures there are two women and in a few there are men. In most cases the person in the picture is shown near a window.
The wonderful way Vermeer could paint light coming into a room through a window is one of the first things people notice about these paintings. Next, one notices how well Vermeer could show what material a thing is made of—its texture. The lace cuff, the silk dress, the wooden chair, the silver pitcher, the ripe fruit, the drinking glass, the pearl necklace, the blue china plate, are done so well that no one could doubt what each is made of. One could almost tell how each object feels to the touch. And over all streams the daylight from the window, binding the parts of the picture together. Some people say it is the finest daylight that any painter has ever put into an indoor scene. Certainly Vermeer was able to paint as few men could.
不过,只要是已经被人们确定的扬·弗美尔的那些画,都画得非常好。扬·弗美尔的画大多画的是室内景物。扬·弗美尔大部分的画作题材是一个妇女在做着日常琐碎的事情,比如看一封信、做针线活、弹古钢琴等,有时候甚至仅仅是在眺望窗外。画画时,扬·弗美尔可能请的是他妻子或者女儿做的模特儿。尽管他的大多数作品画的是一个女人,但偶尔有一些是两个女人,也有几幅作品中有一些男人。大部分情况下,扬·弗美尔画中的那个人物都在窗户旁边。 第一眼看到扬·弗美尔的画你一定会惊叹,他是如何如此绝妙地描绘出透过窗户照进房间的光线的感觉的?接下来再看,你又会感慨,他怎么可以把画中每件物品的材质都表现得这么好呢?蕾丝袖口、丝绸裙子、木质椅子、银质水壶、熟透的水果、玻璃水杯、珍珠项链、蓝色的瓷盘——这些东西让人一看就知道每一样东西的材质,就像是可以感受到每样东西触摸时的感觉一样。当然,他画得最好的还要数从窗外照进来的阳光,光线把整个画面里的人和物都紧密地联系在了一起。有人说,扬·弗美尔画中的阳光是世界上画得最好的室内光线。这也说明扬·弗美尔的绘画水平是很少有人能够与之相媲美的。
Here is one of Vermeer’s pictures. It is called “The Letter”. It is merely a woman reading a letter by a window, but it is painted so well that it has become famous.
Vermeer did not seem to have any imagination. He painted only what he saw. He never, for instance, made his women prettier than they really were. I don’t believe he could have painted a dragon, or Saint George either, without looking at a real dragon (as if there were such a thing!) or at Saint George himself.
Why is so little known about so fine a painter? It seems mysterious, doesn’t it? Vermeer’s pictures were liked at the time they were painted, but then for some reason they were almost forgotten for about two hundred years. No one took the trouble to write down anything about the artist. Then his pictures were “discovered” again and became so valuable that it took a great deal of money to buy one. Most of Vermeer’s paintings are now kept very carefully in museums.
This chapter is far too short for so important a painter. But there aren’t any stories to tell about him unless I just make them up. Vermeer didn’t use his imagination in painting his pictures, and I’m not going to use mine in telling you madeup stories. We’ll just have to let Vermeer’s pictures speak for him.
Word Study
widow /'w?d??/ n. 寡妇;遗孀
sew /s??/ v. 缝;做针线活
pose /p??z/ v. (为画像、摄影)摆好姿势
The students posed for a group photograph.
texture /'tekst??(r)/ n. 质地;手感
ripe /ra?p/ adj. 成熟的
bind /ba?nd/ v. (使)联合在一起,结合
Organizations such as schools and clubs bind a community together.
All anyone knows about the life of one of the very great painters of the world can be written in a few sentences. Most great painters have had whole books written about their lives, but there isn’t enough really known about the life of the Dutchman Jan Vermeer (Ver-mair’) of Delft to make even a few pages. Here is almost all we know about him:
Jan Vermeer was born in Delft in 1632 and died there in 1675, leaving a widow and eight children.
There it is in one sentence—the life of Vermeer of Delft. Nobody even knows how many pictures there are that he painted, for some pictures we think he painted may have been painted by someone else.
But the pictures that we are sure were painted by him are considered very wonderful. Most of these are of indoor scenes. Most of these paintings show a woman doing some very usual thing, like reading a letter or sewing or playing the clavichord or sometimes just looking out of the window. Perhaps his wife or one of his daughters posed for Vermeer’s pictures. In some pictures there are two women and in a few there are men. In most cases the person in the picture is shown near a window.
The wonderful way Vermeer could paint light coming into a room through a window is one of the first things people notice about these paintings. Next, one notices how well Vermeer could show what material a thing is made of—its texture. The lace cuff, the silk dress, the wooden chair, the silver pitcher, the ripe fruit, the drinking glass, the pearl necklace, the blue china plate, are done so well that no one could doubt what each is made of. One could almost tell how each object feels to the touch. And over all streams the daylight from the window, binding the parts of the picture together. Some people say it is the finest daylight that any painter has ever put into an indoor scene. Certainly Vermeer was able to paint as few men could.
不过,只要是已经被人们确定的扬·弗美尔的那些画,都画得非常好。扬·弗美尔的画大多画的是室内景物。扬·弗美尔大部分的画作题材是一个妇女在做着日常琐碎的事情,比如看一封信、做针线活、弹古钢琴等,有时候甚至仅仅是在眺望窗外。画画时,扬·弗美尔可能请的是他妻子或者女儿做的模特儿。尽管他的大多数作品画的是一个女人,但偶尔有一些是两个女人,也有几幅作品中有一些男人。大部分情况下,扬·弗美尔画中的那个人物都在窗户旁边。 第一眼看到扬·弗美尔的画你一定会惊叹,他是如何如此绝妙地描绘出透过窗户照进房间的光线的感觉的?接下来再看,你又会感慨,他怎么可以把画中每件物品的材质都表现得这么好呢?蕾丝袖口、丝绸裙子、木质椅子、银质水壶、熟透的水果、玻璃水杯、珍珠项链、蓝色的瓷盘——这些东西让人一看就知道每一样东西的材质,就像是可以感受到每样东西触摸时的感觉一样。当然,他画得最好的还要数从窗外照进来的阳光,光线把整个画面里的人和物都紧密地联系在了一起。有人说,扬·弗美尔画中的阳光是世界上画得最好的室内光线。这也说明扬·弗美尔的绘画水平是很少有人能够与之相媲美的。
Here is one of Vermeer’s pictures. It is called “The Letter”. It is merely a woman reading a letter by a window, but it is painted so well that it has become famous.
Vermeer did not seem to have any imagination. He painted only what he saw. He never, for instance, made his women prettier than they really were. I don’t believe he could have painted a dragon, or Saint George either, without looking at a real dragon (as if there were such a thing!) or at Saint George himself.
Why is so little known about so fine a painter? It seems mysterious, doesn’t it? Vermeer’s pictures were liked at the time they were painted, but then for some reason they were almost forgotten for about two hundred years. No one took the trouble to write down anything about the artist. Then his pictures were “discovered” again and became so valuable that it took a great deal of money to buy one. Most of Vermeer’s paintings are now kept very carefully in museums.
This chapter is far too short for so important a painter. But there aren’t any stories to tell about him unless I just make them up. Vermeer didn’t use his imagination in painting his pictures, and I’m not going to use mine in telling you madeup stories. We’ll just have to let Vermeer’s pictures speak for him.
Word Study
widow /'w?d??/ n. 寡妇;遗孀
sew /s??/ v. 缝;做针线活
pose /p??z/ v. (为画像、摄影)摆好姿势
The students posed for a group photograph.
texture /'tekst??(r)/ n. 质地;手感
ripe /ra?p/ adj. 成熟的
bind /ba?nd/ v. (使)联合在一起,结合
Organizations such as schools and clubs bind a community together.