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目的探讨母乳喂养与幼儿HBV慢性感染的关系。方法回顾性分析106份高危新生儿病例。结果母乳喂养组与人工喂养组的幼儿HBV慢性感染率的差异均无统计学意义,Logistic回归分析亦显示喂养方式未进入幼儿慢性HBV感染统计学方程。结论母乳喂养不增加幼儿HBV慢性感染的几率。 Objective To investigate the relationship between breastfeeding and chronic HBV infection in infants. Methods A retrospective analysis of 106 high-risk neonatal cases. Results There was no significant difference in the rate of chronic HBV infection between infants and breastfeeding children in the breast-feeding group and in the artificial feeding group. Logistic regression analysis also showed that the feeding mode did not enter into the statistical equation of chronic HBV infection in infants. Conclusion Breastfeeding does not increase the risk of chronic HBV infection in children.
郑板桥为官清正廉洁,刚正不阿,关爱百姓,是清官、好官,是官家楷模。  44岁之前,郑板桥一直靠读书和卖画为生。他44岁考中进士,按说应该做官,但当时官场外挤满了“捐官”客,他依旧无缘步入仕途。  他也愤世嫉俗、痛诟时弊,可是愤世嫉俗、痛诟时弊之外,还是得赴京,携带着那份“赐进士出身”的证明,找人托关系。  活动了一年,无功而返。  这次求职的失败,对他是个巨大的打击,迫使他全面反思自己的人生哲学。