钱锺书在治学过程中,对古典文化血脉与现代学术思潮兼收并蓄,形成了个性鲜明的学术品格与别具特色的学术话语。在其沟通中西、旁及百科的话语系统中,文化人类学无疑是非常重要的一环。钱锺书并非文化人类学家,但他对这一领域的关注由来已久。从《管锥编》所征引的人类学著作即可看出,钱锺书对韦斯特马克、弗雷泽、迪尔凯姆、莫斯(Mauss Marcel)等文化人类学大家相当熟稔,对冯特的《社会心理
Qian Zhongshu in the process of scholarship, classical culture and modern academic trend of thought eclectic, formed a distinctive personality and academic character of academic discourse. Cultural anthropology is undoubtedly a very important part in its communication system of Chinese and Western languages and its encyclopedic discourses. Qian Zhongshu is not a cultural anthropologist, but his attention in this area has a long history. From anthropological writings quoted in The Cone, we can see that Qian Zhongshu is quite familiar with cultural anthropology such as Westmark, Fraser, Durkheim and Mauss Marcel. Wundt’s "social psychology