CYCIAE-100 is a compact cyclotron, accelerate the negative hydrogen particle beam, leads to two-way peel leads. In the accelerating equilibrium orbit inside the cyclotron, the beam current is achromatic due to the symmetry of the magnetic field. The accelerated H-beam is peeled off the release film and converted into protons, which are led out along the lead-out path. As a result of the asymmetry of the magnetic field and the presence of the fringe field, dispersion will be introduced into the resulting proton beam, resulting in an increase in horizontal transmissivity. The program GOBLIN was used to calculate the dispersion of the beam from the position of the peel-off film to the center of the switching magnet. The dispersion effect of the beam at different positions was compared to further confirm the position of the switching magnet and to lay a foundation for the matching of the posterior bundling line.