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今年3月12日是我国第28个植树节,也是全民义务植树25周年。一年一度春风绿,今年春到绿更浓,在这春光明媚的大好时节,全省人民又怀着建设绿色家园的美好愿望,走向田野山冈,植树造林,为建设甘肃秀美山川,履行自己的义务的时候,我们选编了甘肃省委绿化领导小组办公室主任邹雅林同志撰写的《党政军民共建绿色丰碑》一文,回顾我省开展全民义务植树运动,植树造林、绿化祖国、改善生态的光辉历程和成就。旨在提高我省各族人民的生态意识,在全民义务植树运动推动下,踊跃植树造林,科学植树造林,促进我省国土绿化和林业建设事业取得更大的成绩。 March 12 this year is the 28th Arbor Day in our country and the 25th anniversary of voluntary nationwide tree planting. The annual spring breeze is green and the spring is springier and the green is stronger. In this bright and sunny season, the people in the province, with the good wishes of building a green homeland, go to fields and hills and afforestation. In order to build a beautiful mountain in Gansu and fulfill their own needs Obligations, we selected a paper entitled “Green monuments jointly built by the party, government, army and people” authored by Zou Yalin, director of Gansu Provincial Greening Leading Group Office, and reviewed the glorious course of carrying out the people’s voluntary tree planting campaign, tree planting and afforestation, greening the motherland and improving ecology in our province And achievement. Aiming at improving the ecological awareness of people of all ethnic groups in our province and promoting it in the afforestation and forestry construction in our province under the impetus of the voluntary nationwide tree planting campaign.
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1.金属由外界环境导致的开裂。(1988年10月2~7日在美国威斯康星州的Kohler举行) 本专題研讨会由美国金属学会、全国腐蚀工程师协会(美)和温度测量学会联合举办,是世界材料大
我车间1t 蒸汽空气两用自由锻锤在1988年发生掉活塞,按照传统办法需重新配置活塞,而我厂的锤杆活塞是从外厂成套购进,这样势必影响生产。为此,笔者采取了一种快速修复方法,