本调查以问卷的方式,选取 1999年以来由玄武区法院少年审判庭审理判决的 162名城市未成年犯进行调查,从少年犯自身、家庭、学校、社会等四个方面进行分析,结合近年来未成年人犯罪的特点及相关规律,找出未成年人犯罪的共性原因,进行理性思考,以求对当前形势下加强青少年法制教育,有效地预防和减少未成年人犯罪,提出有效的预防措施和对策,并为完善我国少年司法制度提供有益的建议。
This survey, by means of a questionnaire, selects the under-200 criminals from 162 juvenile delinquents judged by the juvenile court of Xuanwu District Court from 1999 to conduct an analysis from four aspects: juvenile delinquents themselves, their families, schools and the society. In the light of recent years, The characteristics of adult crimes and related laws to find out the common causes of juvenile delinquency and make rational thinking in order to strengthen the legal education for young people in the current situation and effectively prevent and reduce juvenile delinquency and put forward effective preventive measures and Countermeasures and provide useful suggestions for improving the juvenile justice system in our country.