Bergstrand 1956年在人的胎儿血清中发现甲胎蛋白(AFP)后,Brock报道开放性神经管缺损的胎儿羊水及孕妇血清中AFP均异常增高。张达用放射免疫法测定脐血甲状腺素来诊断先天性甲低。随着放射免疫检查方法的进展,近年国内也有报道,测定母血和羊水AFP、脐血中的T_4,作为了解异常妊娠,胎儿发育情况的一种新方法。当前极早发现异常胎儿已成为国内外优生学的一项主要内容。我们用放射免疫方法对
After Bergstrand’s discovery of AFP in human fetal serum in 1956, Brock reported abnormally elevated AFP levels in fetal amniotic fluid and pregnant women with open neural tube defects. Zhang Da radioimmunoassay for the determination of congenital hypothyroidism. With the progress of radioimmunoassay, there are also reports in recent years in China. The determination of maternal blood and amniotic fluid AFP and T_4 in umbilical cord blood can be used as a new method to understand abnormal pregnancy and fetal development. The abnormal fetus found early very early has become a major component of eugenics at home and abroad. We use radioimmunoassay