王沐在《悟真篇研究》一文中,谈到了丹功四秘窍,其中的第一秘窍就是阴蹻穴。它究竟秘在什么地方呢?为什么称之为第一秘窍?我认为这是值得研究的一个课题。 经脉总源 阴蹻穴在经脉上是处于重要位置的。它在两阴之间,中医称为会阴穴,丹道修炼中称之为生死根、虚危穴、归根窍、复命关。因它是任督冲三脉所起之处。督由会阴而行背,任由会阴而行腹,冲由会阴而行足少阴,此房一动,三脉皆通。同时它又是奇经八脉的总源,李时珍在《奇经八脉考》中说:“凡人有此八脉,
Wang Mu in the “Wu Zhen articles research” one article, talked about the Dan Gong four tips, one of the first secret is Yin Yin point. What is the secret behind it? Why is it called the first secret? I think this is a subject worth studying. Yin meridians origin of the meridians in the meridians is in an important position. It is between the two overcasts, known as the perineal Chinese medicine, Dancing practice called life and death root, virtual danger point, root orifices, complex off. Because it is Ren Chong Chong three veins played by. Governor by the perineum and back, let the perineum and abdomen, red foot by the perineal foot Shaoyin, this room a move, all three are all pass. At the same time it is also the source of the anomalous eight pulse, Li Shizhen in the “Odd Eight Pulse test” said: "The mortal have this eight pulse,