
来源 :广东卫生防疫资料 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:hbchens
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本文从脊髓灰质炎疫苗的目前状况和建议使用的观点进行了讨论,并指出了该疫苗某些发展前景。为使新生儿在出生后第一年得到良好的免疫,必须继续进行脊髓灰质炎疫苗的免疫运动。接着必须为确保维持高度免疫水平而进行研究。必须避免易感者的增加,特别是在那些认为已广泛使用了脊髓灰质炎疫苗但一部分人可能漏服的地区。对于正在发展中的国家必须给予特别的注意,那里脊髓灰质炎在继续发生,在某些情况下发病率有所增加。在通常无冷冻设备的地区或疫苗须带到无适当冷藏设备的现竭应该使用稳定的疫苗。现今使用的脊髓灰质炎活疫苗在效果和安全性方面已经取得了显著的成绩。但是只要与疫苗有关的病例特别是涉及工型的病例继续发生,任何在时间上与服苗有关的脊髓灰质炎病例必须进行细心的研究。继续研究适宜的交替候选株似乎是值得考虑的。除了安全问题,如果需要进行广泛的免疫,此种免疫迄今可能已由脊髓灰质炎野病毒的隐性感染所形成,自从对脊髓灰质炎每型单个疫苗株免疫的人数增加以后,如果在疫苗病毒广泛传播的突变压力下,脊髓灰质炎野毒株发生了明显的抗原性变化,则对“后援”疫苗株的需要就会发生。但是对候选株只要求做包括10万个易感者现塌试验的工作,其它工作不要求,除非突然面临紧急情况和急需一个新株时。现在猴肾细胞原代培养物是脊髓灰质炎疫苗生产中最广泛应用的基质。但是目前已有八个国家取得了关于二倍体细胞株使用和安全性的大量实验室和现塌经验。从这个经验看,并鉴于使用原代猴肾细胞培养物的潜在危险以及经济和供应的一些问题,各国的疫苗批准当局似乎应该严肃考虑除猴肾细胞培养物外增加二倍体细胞株作为脊髓灰质炎疫苗生产中可接受的基质。 This article discusses the current status of the polio vaccine and its recommendations and points out some of the developmental perspectives for the vaccine. In order for the newborn to be well immunized in the first year after birth, the immunization campaign for the polio vaccine must continue. The study must then be conducted to ensure that a high level of immunity is maintained. Increases in susceptibility must be avoided, especially in those areas where the polio vaccine is widely used but may have been missed by some. Special attention must be given to developing countries where polio continues to occur and in some cases the incidence has increased. Stable vaccines should be used in areas where there is usually no freezer or where the vaccine should be brought to an appropriate cold storage facility. The live polio vaccine currently in use has achieved remarkable results in terms of efficacy and safety. However, as long as vaccine-related cases, especially those involving work-related cases, continue to occur, any case of polio-related polio in time must be carefully studied. Continuing studies of suitable alternate candidates seems to be worth considering. In addition to the safety issue that has so far been possible due to the latent infection of polioviruses so far, if extensive immunization is required, since the number of people immunized against poliovirus per individual vaccine strain has increased since the vaccine virus With the widespread transmission of mutational stress, significant antigenic changes have occurred in polioviruses, the need for a “backup” vaccine strain can occur. However, the candidate strain is only required to do work that includes 100,000 live-in tests. Other work is not required unless there is a sudden emergency and an urgent need for a new strain. Primary monkey kidney cell cultures are now the most widely used matrix for polio vaccine production. However, eight countries have so far achieved a great deal of laboratory and experience on the use and safety of diploid cell lines. From this experience, and in view of the potential dangers of using primary monkey kidney cell cultures and some of the problems with economy and availability, it appears that vaccine regulatory authorities in all countries should seriously consider addition of diploid cell lines as monkey spinal cord cells in addition to monkey kidney cell cultures Acceptable matrix in the production of a vaccine for the genitalia.
现在,“女人——弱者”的说法,差不多被推翻了。相反地,统计数字显示,男人更加脆弱,更易于患病、伤残。遭到意外和死亡。  男人比女人易患心脏病、溃疡症、肺病、肝硬化;发生重大意外事件的、自杀的,都是男人多、女人少。  从生物学的眼光看来,在同龄的夫妻中,有60%的妻子比丈夫长寿。在人生的历程中,一个聪明的妻子可以减少几年寡居的寂寞生活,这就需要做一些事情了,因为我们多数人都过着较为紧张的生活。所以最
【摘 要】本文对火电厂安防和隐患进行了探讨,从健全制度、人防、技防,消防等方面结合新时期安防工作新变化进行了研究。  【关键词】火电厂;安全防范;隐患;管理  一、引言  电力安防工作作为国家整个公安保卫、武警消防工作的重要组成部分,既具有相同于其他公安保卫、武警消防工作的共性,也明显地具有独有的专业特点和不可替代性。电力安防工作是按照电力系统保卫工作中的矛盾运动特点和规律,而建立起来的以解决电力
杨茜是成都市33中的一名初二学生,这位文静、细腻、很有灵气的小姑娘, 不仅学习成绩好、品德好,而且还有吹笛子、吹箫、吹葫芦丝等不少的绝活儿。“这有什么稀奇?”也许有的