本世纪最伟大的科学成就之一是弱电统一理论,它的建立完成了人类历史上的又一次大综合。人们认为它可以与麦克斯韦电磁理论相媲美。为此,格拉肖、温伯格和萨拉姆分享了1979年度诺贝尔物理奖。本文介绍的正是弱电统一理论创始人之一:萨拉姆。 一、萨拉姆其人 1926年1月29日,作为长子的阿布杜斯·萨拉姆(Abdus salam)按照当地的风俗降生在他母亲的娘家:印度萨希瓦尔县桑托克达斯村。他的父母:乔德里·穆罕默德·候赛因和哈吉拉居住在英属印度(现巴基斯坦)的旁遮普帮内的一个十分偏僻、落后的农业区:江格县。萨拉姆的家族是一个具有宗教知识的书香门第。萨拉姆的父亲曾任江格县立高中的教师,后来又获得县政府教育办公室主任的职位。他性格温和,心地善良,是一个笃信宗教的人。由
One of the greatest scientific achievements of this century was the unified theory of weak power. Its establishment completed yet another major comprehensiveness in human history. People think it can be comparable to Maxwell’s electromagnetic theory. To this end, Gralash, Weinberger and Salam shared the 1979 Nobel Prize in Physics. This article describes exactly one of the founders of weak theory of unity: Salam. First, the Salami On January 29, 1926, Abdus Salam, the eldest son, was born in his mother’s maiden by local custom: the village of Santokdad in Sahiwal County, India . His parents: Jojimi Mohammed Hussein and Alhajira reside in a very remote and backward agricultural area within the Punjabi Community of British India (now Pakistan): Jonggak. Salam’s family is a scholar of religious knowledge. Salam’s father was a former high school teacher at Jager County and later became director of the county government’s education office. He is a gentle man with a good heart and a religious faith. by