提起侯耀华,总会想起电视剧《编辑部的故事》中的余德利。这个形象的概括力很强,让我们看到了很多熟人的影子。虽然个别地方表演有点过火,但总的来说还是把握得不错的。遗憾的是,《倒霉必读》却来能让我们获得同样的愉悦。 可以相信,作者是用心的,他要用“脑汁”写书;但家庭背景和个人知名度的提升,似乎又让他背上了包袱。书中有点居商临下,有点自以为是,有点故作高深,但话往往又说不到点子上,结果便带上了一点余德利的色彩。 作者用口语入书,可以说是本书的一大特色,但一味追求京味,追求幽默感,追求松弛和随意,有时显得没有节制;不少段落,放得开收不拢,一开始说得有条有理,到后来却让人如堕五里雾中。 平心而论,这不能全怪作者。作者完全可以有自己的想法,自己的语言风格,问题是编辑不能降低取稿标准和减轻加工责任。
Mention Hou Houhua, always think of the drama “editorial department story” Yu Deli. The strong generalization of this image allows us to see the shadow of many acquaintances. Although performances in a few places were a bit overkill, the overall performance was good. Unfortunately, “unlucky reading” comes to make us enjoy the same pleasure. It is believed that the author is hardworking, and he wants to use “brain juice” to write a book. However, raising his family background and personal awareness seems to have put him in a burden. The book a bit of commercial presence, a bit self-righteous, a bit pretending to be profound, but the words often can not say the idea, the result will bring a little Yu Deli color. The author uses the spoken language to enter the book, it can be said that this book is a major feature, but blindly pursues the Beijing flavor, the pursuit of the sense of humor, the pursuit of relaxation and freedom, and sometimes appears to be out of control; Alright, but later people fall into the fog. In all fairness, this can not be completely blame the author. The author can have their own ideas, their own language style, the problem is that editors can not reduce the draft standard and reduce processing responsibilities.