政事堂是唐朝宰相议政和办公的地方。在政事堂工作的秘书人员人数众多,他们中产生了不少杰出人物,但也有极少数人成了古代秘书队伍中的败类。如代宗朝的主书卓英倩、李待荣;德宗朝的主书滑涣和敬宗朝的书令史汤鉥,就是这类人。 卓英倩、李待荣是宰相元载执政时进入政事堂的。在肃宗朝,元载就担任了宰相,代宗时他继续为相。他与宦官李辅国相勾结,为政贪横,贿赂公行,奢侈荒淫。李待荣、卓英倩也学元载的样,肆行不
The government office is the place where the prime minister during the Tang Dynasty discussed and handled affairs. There are a large number of secretarial personnel working in government offices, many of whom have outstanding personalities, but very few have become the scum of ancient secretarial teams. Such as the dynastic Zhuo Yingqian’s main book, Li waiting rong; Dezong North Korea’s main book Slippery and King Shizong Shih Tuan, is this type of person. Zhuo Yingqian, Li Ariang is the prime minister into power when the government office. In the Suzong dynasty, Yuan Zai served as prime minister, on behalf of him continued to phase. He colluded with the eunuch Li Fuguo, corruption and corruption, publicity and bribery, luxury and lust. Lee waiting Rong, Zhuo Yingqian also learn the kind of loaded, Stanford no