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  全球最大的网上书店亚马逊宣布,从4月开始其售出的电子书数量已经超过了纸质书籍。销售记录显示,每售出100本纸质书,Kindle电子读物就能售出105本。 
  John Makinson
  Russ Grandinetti, vice president for Kindle content at Amazon
  Ebook sales had helped the publishing industry overall. “Even though some digital sales may be substitutionssubstitution:联系大纲词汇substitute理解记忆,代替,替换。 from print, one of the great impacts that the digital business has is people spend more minutes a day reading. They make reading more of a habit, and that’s good for the total book business,” he said. (New York Times)
  JUDITH REGAN, book editor and SiriusXM 
  Books are going to get both longer and shorter. I think they will be more affordable. Books are pretty expensive. Publishers are so silly because they focus on“We’re not going to be selling so many hardcover bookshardcover book:精装书。 at $26.” Yeah, but you’re going to sell infinitelyinfinitely:无穷地,无限地。经判断为副词,表程度,修饰more,可跳读,不影响理解句子意思。 more electronically, so what are you complaining about? I view it as a greater opportunity.
  I just read CleopatraCleopatra,书名,《克娄巴特拉》,埃及艳后。英文标点中没有书名号,书籍、电影等名称使用斜体字体。; I read it on my iPad. I love my iPad. I’m marrying my iPad! It’s great because I travel, and I don’t want to carry a billion things with me. (Newsweek)
  DAVE EGGERS, author and founder of the publishing house McSweeney’s
  I don’t own an ereader, and I’ve never read a page on an ereader. I do everything I can to avoid more screen time.
  I don’t think ebooks have topped 10 percent of the market. My guess is that it will be about 15 to 20 percent of the market, because ereaders are expensive, and they’ll continue to be expensive.
  Not to diminish the value of a paperback, when it comes to somebody investing in a hardcover, it’s something you want to keepdiminish:使减小、缩小,这里指贬低;paperback:平装书;invest:投资。. Everything from a clothcase wrap to a leatherette to a foilstamped cover, heavier paper, better binding, innovative cover designaclothcase wrap:覆以织物的封面,wrap:包裹物、覆盖物;leatherette:人造革;foilstamp:烫金,一种烫印工艺;binding装订;innovative:创新的,革新的。. You have to give readers a choice, between a richer experience with paper and board and cloth, and a more sterilesterile:枯燥无味的。 experience through an electronic reader. We just try to make every aspect of the physical book as good as it can possibly be, because that’s our greatest hedge against the dominance of ebookshedge:a means of protection or defense (as against financial loss);dominance:优势,支配地位,控制力。. (Newsweek)
  WILLIAM LYNCH, Barnes & Noble CEO
  We’ve maintained in the last few years there will be fewer bookstores. Barnes & Noble will benefit from that. We have the best realestaterealestate:房地产。 and business model in the world. Books are still a majority of what we sell in stores, but they are becoming less and less. You’ve started to see some of that evolution — creating our Nook reading area and digital reading lounges and kioskskiosk: a small standalone device providing information and services on a computer screen,问讯台。, even the digital kids’ reading areas.
  Amazon does not equal the market. About 50 percent of physical books are sold in nonbookstore outletsoutlet:an agency (as a store) through which a product is marketed,经销店。, like drugstores and club stores. There are people with agendas in this industry, but the physical book is not going anywhere. (Newsweek) 
艾奥瓦州在2012年1月3日举行初选,2012年总统大选正式开打。几位共和党人士为了争取党内提名,正在马不停蹄地各处演讲拉票,就连现任总统、没有悬念的民主党候选人奥巴马也不敢掉以轻心,明显地增加了为赢得连任的造势活动,红蓝两色的两党色彩和驴象两党吉祥物在电视节目和报刊杂志上频频出现。为什么美国人爱用驴子和大象代表民主与共和两党呢?  要回答这个问题,就得提到一位名叫托马斯纳斯特 (Thomas N
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