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一、引言纳撒尼尔.霍桑是19世纪美国著名的浪漫主义小说家,是美国文学史上的先驱性人物,他把严肃的道德、历史内容与卓越的艺术表现形式巧妙地结合在一起;把天赋的想象力与高超的语言技巧融为一体。他是一位真正富有个性与创造力的作家,因而一直享誉世界文坛,至今盛名不衰。他的独特文风也深刻影响了后一代的作家,如海明威、菲兹杰拉德、福克纳等, I. Introduction Nathaniel Hawthorne is a famous American romantic novelist in the 19th century and a pioneer figure in American literary history. He cleverly combines serious moral and historical contents with excellent artistic expressions. The talent of imagination and superb language skills into one. He is a true writer who is full of personality and creativity and has enjoyed a reputation in the world literary world. His unique style of writing has also profoundly influenced the writers of the later generation, such as Hemingway, Fitzgerald and Faulkner,
摘要:村上春树文学创作的起因与其自幼喜好文学,并受欧美经典作品的影响有着重要关系。大学前后的人生阅历以及旅居欧美的生活经验进一步汇成了他从事文学创作的源泉,也确定了他个人在写作上的异质特点,并巩固了他在日本乃至世界文坛的地位。作为一个深受异文化影响的非传统意义上的日本作家,村上春树的“欧美情结”之深厚与“中国之路”之漫长注定成为他文学创作中的一个需要进一步明晰和回答的命题。  关键词:村上春树