
来源 :清史研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:guipaeren
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Weng Tonghe, as the emperor’s tutor and key minister strongly advocated a war of resistance against Japan and played a key role in the process of war-time policy - making in the Qing court. After its defeat, the Qing court suffered the Unprecedented humiliation and hardship of losing troops, paying indemnities, and ceding territory, Weng was censured then for “advocating war and harming the country” and many historians today still reproach him for his pro-war stance. This writer believes that at a time when China faced Japanese aggression, Weng’s advocacy of a war of resistance and the pursuit of peace through war was a correct political choice arising out of motives of loyalty to the throne and patriotism, It represented the just voice of the government and the people and as such should not he condemned. Considering the balance of Chinese and Japanese forces at the time, the outcome was not inevitable. Chinese defeat was due only to the corruption of the Qing court and opposition to the war by the pro-peace faction led by Li Hongzhang who, though in charge of the war effort, sued for peace and gave up the initiative on the hattlefield Weng Tonghe, as the emperor’s tutor and key minister strongly advocated a war of resistance against Japan and played a key role in the process of war-time policy - making in the Qing court. After its defeat, the Qing court suffered the Unprecedented humiliation and hardship of losing troops, paying indemnities, and ceding territory, Weng was censured then for “advocating war and harming the country” and many historians today still reproach him for his pro-war stance. This writer believes that at a time when China faced Japanese aggression, Weng’s advocacy of a war of resistance and the pursuit of peace through war was a correct political choice arising out of motives of loyalty to the throne and patriotism, It represented the just voice of the government and the people and as such should not he condemned. Considering the balance of Chinese and Japanese forces at the time, the outcome was not inevitable. Chinese defeat was due only to the corruption of the Qing court and opposition to the war by the pro-peace faction led by Li Hongzhang who, though in charge of the war effort, sued for peace and gave up the initiative on the hattlefield
为尽可能提高矿山回采率和资源利用率,并确保矿山安全生产,采用矿柱安全性分析法对某方解石矿+280 m水平采空区稳定性进行分析,采空区矿柱1安全系数F s=0.85,小于安全稳定系
摘 要:网络化采购作为一种新型的采购模式,具有增加采购透明度、降低采购成本、拓宽采购渠道、提高采购效率等优点,但在这诸多优点的背后也隐藏着一些采购风险,诸如:供应商延迟发货影响采购单位工程的顺利进行、供应商提供的产品言过其实等。这些都是影响网络化采购有效开展的因素,也是影响项目管理顺利进行的因素。本文主要分析了网络化采购给项目管理所带来的影响,并结合实际情况分析了积极影响背后所蕴含的风险,从而对工