The patient’s lymphocytes have a cytotoxic reaction to their own melanoma cells in vitro, but the soluble extracts of the tumor cells can inhibit this reaction of lymphocytes. The patient’s lymphocytes were incubated with different amounts of tumor extracts, and then lymphocytes were added to the tumor target cells for 48 hours to detect the reduction rate of the target cells, while normal human lymphocytes were used as controls. The lymphocytes treated with the melanoma leachate reduced or even disappeared the reduction rate of the target cells compared with the untreated lymphocytes. Although melanoma lecithin inhibits the cytotoxicity of lymphocytes of melanoma patients on melanoma target cells, it does not inhibit the cytotoxic response of lymphocytes of colon cancer patients to allogeneic colon cancer cells. Similarly, colon cancer leukemia inhibits lymphocytes in patients with colon cancer, and in patients with melanoma