引言 热带、亚热带植物遇到低于10°—12℃左右的零上低温时,就表现出明显的生理障碍,谓之寒害。由于果蔬采收后进行低温贮藏可有效延长寿命,因此,多年来已重视采收后植物器官的寒害问题,虽然文献记载植物对低温的敏感性有数百年了,但寒害现象却还没弄清楚。对寒害的重要性也还认识不足。
Introduction Tropical, subtropical plants encountered less than 10 ° -12 ℃ or so zero on the low temperature, it showed obvious physical obstacles, that the cold damage. Since fruits and vegetables are harvested for storage at low temperatures, they can effectively prolong their life span. Therefore, the problem of chilling injury of plant organs after harvest has been paid attention to for many years. Although the literature records that plants have been susceptible to low temperatures for hundreds of years, the phenomenon of chilling damage has not been clarified yet. The importance of cold damage is also poorly understood.