文明服务 和谐运管——吴忠市运管局提高道路运输业党组织服务水平

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加强基层服务型党组织建设,是党的十八大作出的重大部署,是建设“文明、亲民、服务、和谐”运管的基础工程,是团结带领广大党员干部职工,立足本职创先争优,实现道路运输行业又好又快发展的坚强组织保证。吴忠市运管局自2013年被确定为基层服务型党组织创建试点单位以来,始终坚持围绕中心抓党建、抓好党建促发展的理念,紧扣道路运输中心工作和阶段性任务,以贴近客户实际和单位职能履行为目标,以服务各道路运输经营业户为根本,不断夯实服务基础,构建服务网络,通过服务载体建设,一个服务体系完善、有鲜明服务品牌的道路运输基层服务型党组织已初步形成。 Strengthening the building of grass-roots service-oriented party organizations is a major deployment made by the 18th CPC National Congress and the fundamental project for building a “civilization, friendly people, service and harmony.” It is the basic project of uniting and leading a large number of party members and cadres and workers, Vigorously, to achieve the sound and rapid development of the road transport industry, strong organizational guarantee. Wuzhong City Transportation Authority since 2013 was identified as grassroots service party organizations since the establishment of pilot units, always adhere to the center of the party building, do a good job the party building to promote the concept of development, the road transport center work closely with the stage tasks to close to customers Actual and unit performance as the goal, in order to serve the road transport business households as a fundamental, constantly consolidate the service foundation, build service network, through the service carrier construction, a service system perfect, distinctive service brand road transport grassroots service party organizations Has been initially formed.
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