便携DVD影碟机在5年前诞生,现在以松下、索尼为代表的日本厂家占技术优势。不过,我国的厂商也推出了性能优越的DVD影碟机,新科今年就有三款上市,屏幕尺寸分别为5.8英寸、7英寸和8英寸。长虹最近也推出DVD P701,机身轻盈、精巧、纤细,体积为185mm×140mm×25mm,重650克。国产的DVD影碟机一般都兼容DVD/CD/MP3/CD—RRW/DVD—RRW/图片CD。国产机也多采用多重防震设计,即使在颠簸的汽车上,也不会影响播放效果。并在整机上采
Portable DVD player was born five years ago, now represented by Panasonic, Sony, Japan manufacturers accounted for the technical advantages. However, China’s manufacturers also introduced a DVD player with superior performance, Shinco has three listed this year, the screen size is 5.8 inches, 7 inches and 8 inches. Changhong also recently introduced DVD P701, lightweight body, delicate, slim, size 185mm × 140mm × 25mm, weighs 650 grams. Domestic DVD players are generally compatible with DVD / CD / MP3 / CD-RRW / DVD-RRW / picture CD. Domestic machines also use multiple anti-shock design, even in the bumpy car, it will not affect the playback. And in the machine mining