瞳距,由于年龄、遗传及生理因素,人与人之间差异很大。我们知道,验光配镜需要测瞳距,但在什么时候测量科学呢?根据临床实践我认为,应在验光开始前测瞳距,再根据瞳距科学选择试镜架。 由于工作性质,我参观过许多医院、大眼镜店的验光室,我发现一个普遍存在的问题——验光后开验光处方时测瞳距,有的则是配镜时才测。我认为这样的做法欠妥。 我们知道,临床验光离不开试镜架,而试镜架的作用就相当于一个眼镜架,放上检眼镜片,就是一副眼镜,配镜我们知道根据瞳距来配;同理,戴试镜架、检眼镜片这副特殊
Pupil distance, due to age, genetic and physiological factors, great differences between people. We know that optometry need to measure interpupillary distance, but when to measure the science? According to clinical practice, I think, should be measured before the start of optometry interpupillary distance, and then according to IPD science choose audition frame. Due to the nature of the work, I visited many hospitals, large optical shop optometrists, I found a common problem - open optometry test optometry open interpupillary distance, while others are measured when the glasses. I think this approach is not proper. We know that clinical optometry can not do without the audition frame, and the role of audition frame is equivalent to a spectacle frame, put ophthalmoscopy, is a pair of glasses, glasses we know that according to interpupillary distance to match; Similarly, wear audition frame This special pair of ophthalmic lenses