历史悄然地行进竟那样快,“现代中国建筑创作研究小组”已踏过了十年不平常的道路。我相信,十年前发起创立这个组织的六位创始人,当初谁也不曾设想十年后的模样。 记得早在1981年中国建筑学会在北京举行文化大革命之后的首次代表大会,我当时正在中国建筑科学研究院就读建筑研究生。我的毕业论文在大会上入选并获选在大会上宣读。当时,像我这样有幸参加大会的中青年代表实在是屈指可数。这种情况与当时中国建筑界在文革浩劫后要蓬勃发展的形势极不相称。因此,理所当然地由与会的几位中青年建筑师呼吁要重视中青年建筑师在学术上的作用并具体建议在中国建筑学会的组织架构中设立中青年的组织这个呼吁在当时是很大胆的,对于轮资排辈气息浓厚的学术界是个不小的冲击,曾引起了中国建筑学界上层领导的注意,而其后由于种种原因而未能落实,仅在《建筑师》杂志上开辟了一块中青年园地。但这次呼吁却是中青年建筑师决心登上现代中国建筑舞台的一次舆论准备和思想启蒙。
History has travelled so quietly that the “Modern Chinese Architecture Creation Research Group” has already embarked on a decade-long unconventional path. I believe that the six founders who initiated the creation of this organization ten years ago did not even imagine what they would look like ten years later. I remember that as early as 1981, the first meeting of the Chinese Academy of Architecture was held in Beijing after the Cultural Revolution. I was studying architecture graduates at the Chinese Academy of Building Sciences. My dissertation was selected at the conference and was selected for reading at the conference. At that time, the young and middle-aged representatives who had the privilege of participating in the conference like me were really very few. This situation was not commensurate with the vigorous development of the Chinese construction industry after the Cultural Revolution. Therefore, of course, the appeal of several young and middle-aged architects at the conference calling for attention to the academic role of young and middle-aged architects and specifically recommending the establishment of a young and middle-aged organization in the organizational structure of the Chinese Architectural Society was very bold at the time. It was a big impact on the academy with strong circulation and seniority. It had caused the attention of the upper-level leaders of the Chinese architecture industry, but it was not implemented due to various reasons. It was only opened in the “Architects” magazine. Youth field. However, this appeal is a public opinion preparation and enlightenment of middle-aged and young architects who are determined to embark on the architectural stage of modern China.