
来源 :新疆医科大学学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lglglglglg18
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目的分析新疆塔城红花的正己烷、石油醚和二氯甲烷3种溶剂提取物及挥发油的化学成分。方法利用索氏提取法对新疆塔城红花挥发油进行提取,并采用气相色谱-质谱联用法分析挥发油中的化学成分。结果分析红花挥发油,有106种化学成分被鉴定出来,其中石油醚所提取的红花挥发油中的挥发性成分最多,正己烷次之,二氯甲烷提取最少。3种溶剂提取所得挥发油的主要成分相似,但存在一定差异。提取的共同成分为26种,含有9,12,15-十八碳酸三烯-1-醇(含量分别为14.27%、11.95%和11.23%)、2,4-二十三烷二酮(6.99%、12.82%和20.54%)、棕榈酸(13.39%、9.93%和6.66%),各自提取的化学成分中也存在较大差异,正己烷提取的含量较高的是壬酸-2-丙烯酯(8.82%)和反式-双环[10.8.0]二十烷(8.34%),石油醚提取的含量较高的化合物是1,4-二十九碳二烯(3.68%)和环己酸-10-十一烯酯(1.48%),二氯甲烷提取的独有成分含量较高的化合物有乙酸羽扇醇酯(2.87%)和1,2-环氧十九烷(2.75%)。结论联合应用可以相对全面地分析挥发油的化学成分,也可以根据各自特点,针对性地采用某种提取溶剂和方法而分离得到相关成分。 Objective To analyze the chemical constituents of three kinds of solvent extracts of n-hexane, petroleum ether and methylene chloride from Safflower Tacheng, Xinjiang and their chemical constituents. Methods Soxhlet extraction was used to extract volatile oil from Tacheng, Tacheng, Xinjiang and the chemical constituents of volatile oil were analyzed by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. Results The safflower volatile oil was identified with 106 chemical constituents. The volatile oil extracted from petroleum ether was the most volatile, followed by n-hexane and dichloromethane with the least amount. The main components of the volatile oil extracted by the three solvents were similar, but there were some differences. The common constituents were extracted from 26 species with 9,12,15-octadecatrienol-1-ol (content of 14.27%, 11.95% and 11.23%, respectively), 2,4- %, 12.82% and 20.54%), palmitic acid (13.39%, 9.93% and 6.66%), respectively. There were also significant differences in the chemical constituents extracted from them. (8.82%) and trans-bicyclo [10.8.0] eicosane (8.34%). The higher petroleum ether extractable compounds were 1,4-nonacosadiene (3.68%) and cyclohexanoic acid 10-undecenyl ester (1.48%). Dichloromethane extracted lupine acetate (2.87%) and 1,2-epoxy nonadecane (2.75%) higher content of the unique compounds. Conclusion The combined application can analyze the chemical composition of volatile oil relatively comprehensively, and also can separate the relevant components according to their own characteristics and using some extraction solvent and method.
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