美科学家发现月球南极陨石坑或存在水冰据美国宇航局网站报道,根据该局所属月球勘测轨道器(LRO)获得的数据显示,位于月球南极附近的沙克莱顿陨石坑可能有高达22%的表面物质是冰。这个巨大的陨石坑以伟大的南极探险家埃尼斯特·沙克莱顿(Ernest Shackleton)的名字命名,其深度约为2英里(约合3200米),宽度12英里(约合19.3公里)。月球很小的自转轴倾角意味着地处南极高纬度地区的沙克莱顿陨石坑可以常年保持黑暗寒冷。因此科学家们长期以来一直认为此处可以成为保存水冰的理想地点。一个由美国大学和宇航局科学家们组成的研究小组对月球勘测轨道器
US Scientists Discover Antarctic Crater or Water Ice According to NASA’s Web site, according to the Bureau’s lunar orbiter (LRO) data obtained, the crater Craters near the lunar south pole may have as high as 22% The surface substance is ice. Named after the great Antarctic explorer Ernest Shackleton, this massive crater has a depth of about 2 miles and a width of 12 miles. The small lunar axis of rotation means that the crater in Crackleton in the high latitudes of Antarctica can be kept dark and dark all year long. So scientists have long believed that here can be an ideal place to conserve water ice. A research group of scientists from the United States University and NASA surveyed the lunar orbiter