As described in our article, No. 4 of 79, “A New Method for Adjusting the Broaching Sharpening Tool” (hereinafter referred to as “Tuning Calculation”), the new method of sharpening the broach rake face is part of the sphere - the ball band. The sphere of the spherical center of the grinding wheel axis and broach axis of intersection, shown in Figure 1. Figure 1 shows both the new law sharpening broach and the relative position of the wheel, but also “correction calculation” as the basis for the derivation of the formula geometry. “Adjustment calculation” describes the calculation method, and said that you can draw the line chart as a basis to adjust the machine. This is indeed better than blind adjustment, but it is still inconvenient to use as an operating worker, especially when the broach size is varied and the size of the grinding wheel is inconvenient. To solve this problem, Figure 1 provides a very useful mathematical model