Tensile testing is the basic test of materials. In this experiment, deformable instrument is almost indispensable instrument. Extensometers currently used in China, most imported by foreign countries. Ordering deformometers from foreign countries is both detrimental in terms of time and economics. From the principle of increasing production and saving, it is necessary to make simple and practical deforming instruments by ourselves. There are many types of deforming instruments, of which the most simple and practical one is a dial gauge deforming instrument. Now I design the dial gauge deformation instrument introduced in the following: First, the use of equipment The instrument is the use of dial indicator (or dial gauge) to measure the tensile deformation of the specimen (or partial plastic deformation), limit For 6 to 20 mm in diameter of the circular cross-section or the length and width of less than 20 mm rectangular cross-section specimens, measuring the standard distance of 50 mm above the measured