故障现象一辆2015年产的进口福特野马车,搭载2.3 L涡轮增压发动机和6速手自一体变速器,累计行驶里程约为4 300 km,据驾驶人反映,USB接口无法给手机充电。故障诊断接车后试车验证故障,维修人员仔细查找该车USB接口,共有2处,分别在中央控制面板(图1)和扶手箱处的媒体中心集成模块上(图2)。首先在中
Symptom A Ford Mustang imported from 2015 with a 2.3 L turbocharged engine and a 6-speed automatic transmission has a total mileage of about 4 300 km. According to the driver, the USB port can not charge the phone. Fault diagnosis After the test vehicle to verify the fault, the maintenance staff carefully find the car USB interface, a total of two, respectively, in the central control panel (Figure 1) and the armrest box media center integrated module (Figure 2). First in