我与《航海》杂志已经有十七、八年的情缘了。追思往事,历历在目,令人勾起深切的回忆。 1981年下半年,组织上把我从船上调到新成立的黑龙江省航海学会工作。从此,我便与《航海》结下了不解之缘。同年12月,经理事会议决定,1982年开始订购《航海》杂志,将它作为对学会会员进行普及航海科学知识的读物,免费赠送给会员。 20年来,《航海》杂志在传播中华海洋文化、歌颂中华海魂方面做出不少贡献。中国古代航海有过十分辉煌的历史,中国历来就是航海大国,从徐福东渡到海上丝绸之路,从郑和七下西洋的
I have been with Voyage magazine for 17 or 18 years. Recalling the past, vividly reminiscent of deep memories. In the second half of 1981, the organization transferred me from the ship to the new Heilongjiang Institute of Navigation. Since then, I have with the “sea” formed a bond. In December the same year, the Board of Governors decided to order “Navigation” magazine in 1982 and give it to members free of charge as a reading of the scientific knowledge gained by members of the Society on popularization and navigation. In the past 20 years, Voyage magazine has made a lot of contributions in disseminating the Chinese marine culture and singing the soul of the Chinese sea. China ancient navigation has had a very glorious history, China has always been a sailing power, from Xu Fudong to the Silk Road on the sea, from Zheng He seven times the Western