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或许因为他是南京大学校友的缘故,当我们俩人第一次握手时,竟像久别重逢的朋友,有说不完的话题。前不久,笔者在嘉兴南湖旁的沙龙国际宾馆一间普通的房间里,采访了应邀参加中央电视台庆祝建党80周年“心连心”活动的西安卫星测控中心总工程师、党的十五大代表、被誉为“太空牧星人”的李济生院士。我们俩作了一次倾心长谈。这种访谈完全是在一种无拘无束中进行的。他的坎坷不幸、他的善良、他的坦诚、他对事业的执著追求,娓娓道来,如泣如诉,深深震撼了我的心灵。李院士,自5月27日以来,全国各大媒体都突出报道了您的事迹,在全国产生强烈反响。特别是在您的母校——南京大学,成了两万多师生员工的热门话题。大家为有您这样的杰出校友而自豪。过去您是以南大的学生为荣,今天,母校以您为荣。在庆祝建党80周年的日子里,我们在南湖访谈,别有一番意义。“是的,我是在济南生的,4岁时母亲生病去世,我就跟着我姑姑生活。12岁的时候,父亲又去世了,从那以后我就一直靠姑姑、姑父来抚养。姑姑孩子比较多,经济状况也不好,生活可想而知。1961年我考取了南京大学天文学 Perhaps because he is an alumnus of Nanjing University, when the two of us shake hands for the first time, we are like long-awaited friends who have lots to talk about. Not long ago, in an ordinary room at the Sharon International Hotel next to Jiaxing Nanhu Lake, I interviewed the chief engineer of Xi’an Satellite Monitoring and Control Center who was invited to participate in the celebration of the 80th anniversary of the founding of CCTV. At the 15th CPC National Congress Representative, known as ”space pastor “ academician Li Jisheng. We both made a long talk. This interview is entirely in an unfettered manner. His rough and unfortunate, his kindness, his candid, his pursuit of the cause of perseverance, his right, Ruqirusu, deeply shocked my soul. Li Academician, since May 27, all the major media in the country have highlighted your deeds and made a strong response across the country. Especially in your alma mater, Nanjing University, has become a hot topic for more than 20,000 teachers and students. Everybody is proud of your outstanding alumni. In the past, you were proud of Nantu students. Today, your alma mater is proud of you. In celebrating the 80th anniversary of the founding of our party, we interviewed in Nanhu and did not make any difference. ”Yes, I was born in Jinan, my mother died of illness at the age of 4, I followed my aunt life .12 years old, my father passed away, and I have been relying on aunt, uncle to raise .Aunt More children, the economy is not good, life can be imagined .1961 I was admitted to Nanjing University Astronomy
目的 分析蒙脱石散治疗口腔溃疡的效果评价.方法 对我院口腔科收治的110例口腔溃疡患者进行研究,就诊时间为2019年1月至2020年1月,信封法随机分组,各55例.对照组采用冰硼散治