
来源 :中学政治教学参考 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yangjianglong
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随着新课程改革的不断深入,过程性评价在思想政治课教学中的运用虽然产生了增强学生学习自信心、主动性,优化学生的学习习惯,促进学生学习方式的转变等一系列积极效果,但仍然存在着不少问题:如,评价内容过多、评价工具不够科学、评价的方法还不够丰富、教师的工作量过大等,这些问题的存在,严重影响了“思想政治”过程性评价多重价值的充分实现。本文拟对如何提高“思想政治”过程性评价实效性问题进行初步探讨,以期抛砖引玉。 With the continuous deepening of the new curriculum reform, the use of process evaluation in the teaching of ideological and political lessons has produced a series of positive results, such as enhancing students’ self-confidence and initiative in learning, optimizing students’ study habits, and promoting the transformation of students’ learning methods. However, there are still many problems: for example, the content of evaluation is too many, the evaluation tools are not scientific enough, the evaluation methods are not enough, the teachers’ workload is too large, etc. These problems have seriously affected the “ideological and political” process. Sexual assessment of the full realization of multiple values. This article intends to conduct a preliminary discussion on how to improve the effectiveness of the “ideological and political” process evaluation, with a view to attracting valuable comments.