17岁那年,他就在瑞金为毛泽东站岗 我很早就从许多文件、档案中看到张耀祠的名字。1990年,我出差北京,住在中共中央办公厅秘书局招待所,曾去寻访他。到了他家,才知他平日不在北京,而是住在千里之外的西南某地。1991年5月。1992年10月、1994年5月,我三度飞往西南某地,在一个军人警卫的大院里,终于见到了他。多年之后,当时情景记忆犹新。 年逾古稀的张耀祠,穿一件蓝衬衫,很随和、健谈。大约因为他远离北京,几乎没有谁前来采访。我们的谈话是从他的名字开始的。我在一些文件上见到“张耀词”,在另一些文件上见到“张耀祠,不知他的大名究竟叫什么,他哈哈大笑,说出了其中的“典故”。
When he was 17, he stood guard in Ruijin for Mao Zedong. I saw the name of Zhang Yao Temple long ago from many documents and archives. In 1990, I was on a business trip to Beijing and lived in a guest house at the Secretariat of the CPC Central Committee General Office. I visited him. Arrived at his home, I discovered that he was not in Beijing on weekdays, but lived somewhere in the southwest. May 1991. In October 1992 and May 1994, I flew to the Southwest sometime three days and finally met him in a military guarded compound. Years later, when the scene remember. Year over seventy Zhang Yao Temple, wearing a blue shirt, very easygoing, talkative. Almost no one came to interview because he was far from Beijing. Our conversation begins with his name. I saw “Zhang Yao Ci” on some documents, and on other documents I saw “Zhang Yao Temple. I do not know what his name is. He laughed and said one of the” allusions. "