Chinese Parenting-Children Are Everything

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  Children are the center of most Chinese families. According to the Chinese tradition, a family of many children is considered a blessing. After the implementation of the one-child policy in China, the family’s only child naturally became the center of attention.
  As the old Chinese saying goes,“Of the three kinds of unfilial acts, the greatest is not to have a son to carry on the family line.” Children are considered the most important members of the family, as they are not only the tie that links the whole family together, but also the hope of a better future for the family.
  Longing to see their children become successful is a common psychological phenomenon among Chinese parents, as told by many Chinese tales of parents making tremendous sacrifices for the future well-being of their children. Nowadays, most parents are doing all they can to provide the best environment for the children to grow and learn. This includes signing them up for various extra-curricular courses to learn new skills and hiring private teachers to tutor them at home, encouraging the children to reach their best potential.
  Generally, the expectations of most Chinese parents for their sons involve their potential career, power, influence, etc. For their daughters, on the other hand, parents wish they will have a happy and harmonious family life in the future. This concept can be viewed as a continuation of the traditional idea in China that “women should take care of housekeeping, leaving the ‘outside business’ to men.” While the concept of gender equality is increasingly taking root in society and career women are gaining more and more respect, survey results indicate that most Chinese still hold the traditional view that men should try to achieve a successful career while women should be good at managing the household.
  There is a story about a big tree that is perhaps a vivid reflection of the Chinese parents’ psychology.
  There was once a kid who often played under a big tree. The tree liked the kid very much and often said to him: “Come to me every day, let’s play happily together.” Each time the kid agreed and played with the tree. As years passed by, the kid grew into a child. One day the tree asked him again to play together. The child answered: “I don’t want to play with you. I want a toy. Can you give me a toy?” The old tree answered: “I don’t have a toy, but I have fruits. You can pick the fruits, sell them to have money and then buy the toys you like.” The child followed the tree’s advice, picked the fruits and bought the toy.
  More years passed, the child grew into a man and had his own family. One day, he came under the tree again, which said the same words to him: “Let’s play together.” The man answered: “No, I have a family now, I need a house, can you help me?”The tree answered: “I don’t have a house, but you can chop my trunk and branches to build your house.” The men chopped the tree, leaving only the stump.
  Several decades later, the men grew into an elder, and came to the tree again. This time, the tree said to him:“I don’t have anything left, I can’t help you.” The old man said: “I don’t need anything now. May I just take a rest here?” The old tree said, “Yes, sit down here.” The old man sat on the stump and had a good rest.
  The story perfectly explains the relationship between Chinese parents and children. The parents expend all efforts to raise their children, without asking for anything in return.
青少年正处在人生发展的重要阶段,充满十分旺盛的求知欲望和探索精神,他们既代表着祖国的希望,也代表着世界的未来。青少年素质的高低,将直接影响未来中国的发展方向。青少年生活方式是影响其素质的一个重要因素,良好的生活方式有助于培养具有优秀文化、身体素质的青少年。    与五年前相比,孩子们休闲时间下降,学习时间增加    2001年青少年学习时间、家务劳动时间、个人必需时间和休闲时间的比例关系为,30.
【摘要】武功技巧用在中国舞中,可以增加舞蹈的伸展度和力度,进一步实现舞蹈美。不过,武功技巧练习要循序渐进,要从分阶段练习,配合正确的呼吸法,全面掌握武功技巧,然后将武功技巧自然地融入舞蹈中,提高舞蹈的艺术表现力。否则,因为武功技巧具有一定的危险性,如果拔苗助长会对身体造成伤害。  【关键词】舞蹈武功课;舞蹈教学;分阶段训练  【中图分类号】J704 【文献标识码】A  前言  舞蹈武功课涉及到了一
杨牧青/摄  一个甲子的奋斗历程,塑造了一座城市,凝练了一种精神。在共青城从无到有、由小到大的浩然岁月里,一代又一代的“共青人”艰苦创业、开拓奋进,用青春和汗水在鄱阳湖畔建起了一座新城。这种“白手起家”的创新精神弥足珍贵,格外让人尊敬、尊重。一代代共青城人接力守护、传承着这一宝贵精神。  “共青精神”的基本内涵就是坚定信念、坚韧不拔的革命精神;为国分忧、志愿垦荒的爱国精神;崇尚科学,尊重知识的科学