正畸治疗是 10~ 13岁儿童牙颌畸形常首选的一种疗法 ,治疗过程一般多采用佩戴固定矫治器和保持器两大阶段 ,持续时间一般为 2 a左右。临床上我们发现当患儿正畸治疗过程结束时 ,其刚刚萌出到正常颌位的年轻恒牙 (尤其是点隙窝沟部位 )常有龋坏现象。为此我们在正畸临床治疗前
Orthodontic treatment is often the preferred choice for dentition deformities in children aged 10 to 13 years. The treatment is generally performed in two stages of wearing a fixed appliance and a retainer, with a duration of about 2 years. Clinically, we found that when the treatment of children with orthodontic end of the process, it has just erupted to the normal mandibular young permanent teeth (especially the site of crevicular fossa) often caries phenomenon. To this end we are in orthodontic treatment